How to maintain the glow of your green artificial Christmas tree

closeup shot person holding box

The Christmas season is almost here, which means it’s time to break out the holiday decorations. If you’re looking for an artificial Christmas tree, you’ll want to take good care of it so it can last for years to come. Here are some tips on how to maintain the glow of your green artificial Christmas tree:

Understanding the Importance of Maintaining Your Artificial Christmas Tree’s Glow

  • Keep it out of direct sunlight. Artificial trees should not be placed in direct sunlight, as the heat will fade the color and cause the branches to droop over time.
  • Dust it regularly. The more often you dust your tree, the less likely it is to collect dust and shed needles.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment when vacuuming your tree.
  • Trim any loose or broken branches with scissors or pruning shears.
  • Don’t use hot water when cleaning your tree; use lukewarm water instead.
  • Keep water out of the stand. When you’re watering, make sure you don’t spill any on the stand or the bottom of your tree. Water can damage the wiring and lights, leading to short circuits and fires.
  • Make sure the stand has something underneath it (cardboard or newspaper) if there are holes in it. These holes will let water seep into them, which could lead to mold growth and a musty smell in your living room.
  • Use only warm water when you clean your artificial tree. Cold water will cause some parts of the tree to shrink, while hot water may melt some parts of the plastic material.
  • Wipe off dust before decorating your tree. Dust collects around lights and other decorations over time, so take them off first before putting up anything else on your tree. This way, you won’t end up having to do this twice!
  • Gently shake any loose needles off of your tree and put them back into their original box.
  • Vacuum your tree with an upholstery attachment to remove any dust or dirt that has accumulated on it.
  • Brush the branches with a soft-bristled brush to remove any dust or dirt from them as well.
  • Use a lint roller on the trunk of your tree to remove any lint that may have accumulated on it during storage or transportation.
  • Wrap electrical cords in plastic bags or foam sleeves before putting them away for storage. This will protect them from damage during transport and also prevent dust from getting on them and causing shorts.
  • Use a surge protector with a built-in circuit breaker to avoid electrical fires caused by lightning strikes or other power surges during storms.
  • Turn off lights when leaving rooms for extended periods of time (such as overnight). If you’re worried about forgetting, invest in timers that can be set for specific times of day so that they automatically turn off after being left on for a certain amount of time (such as 30 minutes).
  • Use a high-quality flocking material that won’t shed too much or leave clumps behind when you clean off the branches after each use. If your tree sheds too much, try brushing it with a soft brush or shaking out extra pieces before putting away for next year’s display.

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